Job Overview
We are a dynamic and vibrant Grower Group based in the Wheatbelt town of Corrigin, WA. The group
provides members and the wider agricultural community with innovative, timely and relevant research,
development and extension, in addition to connecting and supporting local growers and industry to be in
front of the trend.
As CFIG’s Agriculture Project Officer, you will enjoy a varied role, assisting in the development and
implementation of trials and projects, data management and fieldwork at trial sites, organising interactive
field walks and workshops for our members. You will be assisting growers in ensuring sustainability and
resilience of their business, while being part of a supportive and welcoming team environment. This position
will provide a highly rewarding career and further develop networks across many sectors.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and hardworking individual to coordinate on-ground research and
development in the CFIG region.
More Information
- Job Application File CFIG-Job-Advert_-Ag-Project-Officer_-11.02.24-Copy.pdf
Jobseekers, browse jobs available in the Wheatbelt. Click on a job below to display the full details and facilities to allow you to apply for the job. All job applications will be sent directly to the employer.
Please include as much details and information about yourself to give you the best opportunity for gaining an interview. You will have the capability to upload both your resume and a covering letter.